My first performance ever in the autumn of 2000 as an art student. It remains the sole autobiographical work in the entire span of art works created in my career as a professional artist.
The performance is the visual enactment of a poem I had written years earlier that intertwines the lives of three people. My uncle who was traumatized as an American soldier by his experience in Vietnam in the 1960s, my babysitter who was likely traumatized by my uncle, and myself, who was molested as a child by my babysitter in the 1970s. A cycle of abuse, each coming full circle. Each of us served in the US Army.
Performed nude and to my fellow students and faculty at the college. This important event began an important shift and focus that would inform my career years later.
The poem is viewable in the pdf link.
Performance Art
Studio for Interrelated Media
Massachusetts College of Art, 2000